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American Sentinel University

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RN to Bachelor of Science Nursing

The Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) program is ideal for nurses who would like to expand their knowledge base and/or move into areas such as home health agencies, managed care organizations, pharmaceutical sales and informatics, all of which require a BSN. American Sentinel's RN to BSN program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and is based on the Colorado Nursing Articulation Model, a statewide agreement that permits Registered Nurses who are graduates of Associate Degree Nursing programs to enter the BSN program without taking tests to verify prior knowledge. Nursing students will be awarded 30 semester hours based on their current Registered Nurse license, which allows them to take just 30 more credits to complete the RN to BSN degree at American Sentinel University.

RN to Bachelor of Science Nursing: American Sentinel University

RN to Bachelor of Science Nursing - American Sentinel University