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MA/Education - Reading Literacy

Open new worlds when you choose the Reading Literacy specialization in conjunction with your Master of Arts in Education degree earned online from Ashford University. Gain an understanding of the necessary skills for instruction in reading and writing. The Reading Literacy specialization includes intervention strategies for struggling readers. You will study reading comprehension, young adult literature, and reading skills assessment. Identify academic resources and develop new strategies for instruction. If your career goal is to empower new readers, then this specialization is for you. Make an impact on our nation’s schools with the expertise that derives from an advanced degree.

Master of Arts in Education – special terms and conditions
Successful completion of the Master of Arts in Education program by itself does not lead to certification or licensure in any state. It is the student's responsibility to determine individual state requirements for teacher certification or licensure. Please refer to Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) for individual state requirements for teacher certification or licensure. Please be advised that states change their policies from time to time and students are advised to check regularly with their state regulatory agencies’ policies and procedures relating to licensure. Further, a criminal record may prevent an applicant from obtaining licensure, certification, or employment in this field of study.

MA/Education - Reading Literacy: Ashford University

MA/Education - Reading Literacy - Ashford University