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Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Averett's Criminal Justice program allows students to prepare themselves for entry or advancement in any of the many criminal justice occupations. The Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice is designed to give the student a broad-based professional preparation for his/her chosen career.

Students who have completed an Associate Degree in criminal justice from another regionally accredited college may choose to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice in a 2+2 program. The 60 hours required for these degrees are designed to give the student a well-balanced educational experience and to provide professional development for his/her chosen career.

A degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice allows students to prepare for entry into any of hundreds of jobs available today. The curriculum provides an excellent background for becoming a police officer, crime scene investigator, probation and parole officer, special agent for the FBI and other agencies.

Students examine the area of criminal law, prisons, court processes and procedures, the Constitution, and police procedures. An internship in one of the criminal justice agencies or departments allows students to experience for themselves what professionals do in these occupations.

Students must attain at least a 2.00 grade point average in the major in order to graduate.

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice: Averett University GPS

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Averett University GPS