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Justice Studies-AAS w/ OPOTA Certification Concentration

In this program, students develop a broad understanding of the U.S. criminal justice system by studying its aspects including law enforcement, courts, corrections and private security. Subjects include the nature and effects of criminal and delinquent behavior, state and federal court systems, correctional organizations and various law enforcement agencies. Reading, writing and critical thinking skills are rigorously applied and developed throughout the degree program.

Upon graduation, students will be prepared for a career in law enforcement, corrections, juvenile agencies, private security or other social service agencies. It is important to note that graduates may required to submit to background checks, additional training, testing or physical fitness requirements in order to obtain a position in these fields. The Associate of Applied Science Degree program in Criminal Justice is designed to provide graduates with a solid foundation of theory and practice that can be quickly and successfully applied in the criminal justice field. Some employers may require additional testing, background checks and training prior to employment.

Bryant and Stratton
Justice Studies-AAS w/ OPOTA Certification Concentration: Bryant and Stratton

Justice Studies-AAS w/ OPOTA Certification Concentration - Bryant and Stratton