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Colorado Christian University

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Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Our Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree program provides a strong foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical application in criminal justice. Courses are taught from a Christian worldview, offering you opportunities to discuss many significant life issues -- including sin, free will, biblical view of human nature, and redemption. You will be guided through the Criminal Justice Bachelor Degree program by experienced faculty who have careers in the criminal justice system. The B.S. Criminal Justice degree will provide you with the training necessary for an understanding of the field and equip you to pursue a career path in criminal justice. A wide range of career options at the federal, state and local levels may be available to graduates, ranging from law enforcement to forensics, from legal and court-related positions to information security. Some careers may require additional training and education, but a criminal justice bachelor`s degree can provide a significant advantage in qualifying for such programs.

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice: Colorado Christian University

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Colorado Christian University