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Diploma-Legal Administrative Assistant

When a lawyer, a court official or a business manager is hiring a legal administrative assistant, a diploma from our college makes an application stand out.

  • You will need high keyboarding speed. Globe University/Minnesota School of Business offers four keyboarding courses and a class in legal transcription.
  • You will be representing your firm or company in and out of the office. As you earn your diploma, you will take courses in Interpersonal Relations and Business Communications.
  • You will need excellent organizational skills. Throughout our program, beginning with Student Success, every class and every lesson will emphasize organization and other practical skills needed by the legal secretary/administrative assistant.

Our legal science advisory board is composed of legal professionals, business leaders, instructors and students. The board designed our college program to provide the legal and office skills training you will need to thrive in your new career.

You will have practical, hands-on training from instructors who are themselves attorneys, legal administrative assistants and paralegals. Required courses include Keyboarding, Legal Transcription, and Business Communications. You will also be able to choose from exciting electives, including Criminal Law, Real Estate, Family Law and Tort Law.

Diploma-Legal Administrative Assistant: Globe University

Diploma-Legal Administrative Assistant - Globe University