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What is the highest level of education completed?
In what year did you (or will you) graduate from high school?
Are you a U.S. citizen or a national or permanent resident of the U.S.?
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Do you possess a current US license as a registered nurse without restriction or expect to receive your US RN license in the next 20 weeks?
Yes No
In what state was your current or primary RN license issued?
Do you reside and possess a current license as a registered nurse without restrictions to practice in one of these states (AL,AK,IA,ID,IN,CA,CO,CT,DC,DE,FL,ME,MI,MN,MS,MT,NE,NV,OH,OK,PA,RI,SC,SD,VA,VT,WA,WY)?
Are you comfortable dealing with blood and other bodily fluids?
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Are you comfortable working with needles?
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Would you be comfortable assisting a physician with patient preparation, examinations, and patient relations?
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Are you or your spouse active duty, reservist, or veteran of the U.S. Military?

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MPA - Emergency and Disaster Management

Kaplan University’s Master of Public Administration could help you gain the edge to become more marketable and advance in a career in public service.* Career-driven curriculum is aimed at building your skills and knowledge in areas such as ethics and leadership, budgeting, and strategic planning. The program offers intensive study areas in health care management, governmental management, emergency and disaster management, and criminal justice so you can hone in on a relevant career path. Courses are taught by accessible and engaging instructors with years of public administration experience. Kaplan University’s engaging educational platform provides access to industry resources and allows you to network with other students and faculty nationwide. Additionally, the Career Services team and online alumni networking opportunities are available to you even after you graduate. At Kaplan University, we believe in your talent and that with your hard work and a new degree you can become empowered to make difference.

Additional police academy training may be required for law enforcement jobs.

MPA - Emergency and Disaster Management: Kaplan University

MPA - Emergency and Disaster Management - Kaplan University