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Keystone Technical Institute

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The KTI Paralegal Diploma Program is designed to prepare students for the daily challenges of working in a law office. A Paralegal will be able to assist a lawyer in such areas as case research, real estate, document preparation, drafting of pleadings and correspondence and investigations. Short of making legal decisions, practicing in a court of law, or advising clients, a paralegal may perform many tasks formerly handled only by lawyers.

The Paralegal course prepares students to enter the legal field, working for lawyers, law firms, and legal divisions of companies or government agencies. This program is also recommended to the student who does not wish to become a Paralegal but who is interested in gaining knowledge about the field of law, in order to better function in our world of rules and regulations or in any highly regulated industry such as investments, banking or social work. This is an entry level career option with valuable transferable skills.

Paralegal: Keystone Technical Institute

Paralegal - Keystone Technical Institute