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Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies

In recent years, the paralegal profession has experienced explosive growth. According to government statistics, it will see an even greater increase over the next seven years, totaling an estimated 75,000* new positions. This challenging yet rewarding profession demands strong professional skills, a firm foundation in ethics and increasingly higher levels of knowledge.

Liberty University’s® Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies will equip you with the practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this growing career field. Courses for this program are developed and taught by practicing lawyers who know firsthand the qualifications necessary for this career.

As a student of this program, you will develop competency in various areas of law including the foundations of law, contemporary worldviews, rhetoric and real estate. Practical course topics and assignments will train you to complete actual paralegal tasks such as writing and filing a deposition and performing a title search. Additionally, you will learn to identify, analyze and appropriately deal with ethical dilemmas from a sound moral and biblical perspective, utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills to formulate solutions.

Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies: Liberty University

Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies - Liberty University