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Medical Assisting with X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG

Are you interested in helping people? Can you see yourself working in the healthcare industry? Would you like the opportunity to use your credits to pursue an associate’s degree in Allied Health Science at Remington College after you earn your diploma? (1)

Remington College’s Medical Assisting with X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG Diploma Program may help you answer these questions and give you an opportunity to explore a potential new career.(2)

Many people go through the process of getting an X-ray, an electrocardiogram (EKG), or both at some point in their lives. If you, a family member or friend have been through these procedures, you know the key role that an X-ray technician or EKG administrator has in the medical office and the physician diagnosis process.

With these two specializations combined, the X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) with EKG Diploma Program at Remington College gives you the opportunity to learn both clinical and laboratory skills. Plus, you can choose to continue your education and pursue an associate’s degree in Allied Health Sciences at Remington College. (1)

You can learn how to correctly operate x-ray equipment, position a patient, and develop radiographs of the human body. Meanwhile, our EKG classes include EKG laboratory study, clinical experiences, and classroom study in an effort to provide students with a real-world understanding of how EKG technology can assist in the diagnosis of health and heart issues.

An externship opportunity can provide valuable on-the-job experience at an approved medical facility. (3) You’ll also have a chance to brush up on career development skills in the medical office environment.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn these valued clinical and laboratory skills and work in the growing field of healthcare, there may be no better time than now! (2)

Specialize in an area of health care that looks below the surface

In as few as 12 months you could be prepared to work in an X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG position. (2) Once you complete the program, you’ll be eligible to take the nationally Registered-Certified EKG Technician certification exam (NR-CEKG) and/or the ARRT’s Limited Scope Radiography exam. (4)

As a registered, state-certified/licensed X-ray technician, you may be called on to operate fixed and portable X-ray equipment, position patients for X-rays, develop X-rays, or provide general assistance to X-ray technologists or other medical office personnel. (2)

If you’re looking to enter the health care industry, the X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG Diploma Program may be your answer. (2) Call Remington College today!

(1) Certain restrictions may apply.
(2) Employment not guaranteed upon graduation
(3) Must meet minimum GPA to qualify for externship program.
(4) Licensure/Certification requirements may vary by state.

Medical Assisting with X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG: Remington College

Medical Assisting with X-Ray Tech (Limited Scope) and EKG - Remington College