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Mid-Atlantic Christian University Online

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Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries

Feeling God calling you towards ministry? Trying to make decisions between the local church and various Christian organizations? The Christian Ministry Program offers the opportunity to receive the foundational training to develop your gifts to pursue your ministerial passion. The program offers training through a well-grounded Christian Ministry approach that prepares you to serve in diverse ministry and community settings. You may develop a plan of study geared to prepare you for the specific opportunities that God is guiding you towards in the local church or para-church organization, Christian education, or graduate school.
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Students completing the Double Major in Christian Ministry and Biblical Studies will:
•    Consider their personal walk with God and gifts for ministry:
•    Develop an understanding and appreciation of the lost around the world;
•    Develop skills necessary for effective communication with non-Christians;
•    Develop basic skills for conducting counseling;
•    Demonstrate a knowledge of skills necessary to provide effective Christian leadership;
•    Develop and apply ministry skills necessary to fulfill their calling;
•    Value the role of career Christian ministry and see their individual contribution to this work.

Your two-year plan includes:
Christian Ministry - major
Biblical Studies - major

About Mid-Atlantic Christian University:
Mid-Atlantic Christian University was founded in Elizabeth City NC in 1948. MACU is primarily supported by independent churches and members, who are part of a heritage commonly known as the Stone-Campbell or Restoration Movement. The Restoration Movement promotes Christian unity on the basis of the Bible and without denominational structure. MACU is a biblical community whose mission is to impact the world by transforming ordinary people into extraordinary Christian Leaders.

Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries: Mid-Atlantic Christian University Online

Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministries - Mid-Atlantic Christian University Online