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Accredited Bachelor Degree Online

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Miller-Motte College (MMC)

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Cosmetology - Certificate

The cosmetology program is designed to providecompetency-based knowledge, scientific/artprinciples, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. Miller-Motte’s advanced approached provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills and knowledge that can lead to an entry-level career in the field of Cosmetology.

Miller-Motte College is a member school of Pivot Point International. Pivot Point is the largest cosmetology educational system in the world, with member schools in fifty-two countries. Being a part of this system enables the College to show the practical application of ideas so students can complete their educations “salon-ready.” The Pivot Point philosophy of hair sculpture and design, color and perming, as well as nails and skin, is taught throughout the program.

Upon completion of the program, the student will be prepared to take the North Carolina State Board licensing examination. Employment opportunities may include beauty salon, spas, and other related businesses as a stylist, salon manager or owner, color specialist, skin or nail specialist, educator, platform or makeup artist, manufacturer’s representative, cosmetic salesperson, and more.

Cosmetology - Certificate: Miller-Motte College (MMC)

Cosmetology - Certificate - Miller-Motte College (MMC)