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Sanford-Brown College

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Cardiovascular Sonography

The Cardiovascular Sonography program at Sanford-Brown College-Hillside (SBC) is designed to prepare the students to perform echocardiographic examinations under the direction of a physician / cardiologist. Students gain both didactic knowledge and practical experience in cardiovascular science, EKG, holter monitoring, telemetry, and echocardiography. The students will have the opportunity to study the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the organ systems, recognize the EKG patterns of infarction, arrhythmia recognition, appreciate emergency protocols, and perform echocardiography. The core curriculum is structured to include an on-campus lecture component, an on-campus imaging laboratory component, and an off-campus integrated clinical component. The final externship portion of the curriculum is structured to include supervised experiences in the clinical environment that require competencies, logs, and evaluations completed by the student. At the conclusion of the program, graduates who have diligently attended class and their externship, studied, and practiced their skills should have the skills to seek entry-level employment as cardiovascular sonographer.

Cardiovascular Sonography: Sanford-Brown College

Cardiovascular Sonography - Sanford-Brown College