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Dental Hygiene

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Dental Hygiene is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary plan of studies, through applied theory and practical applications, to become licensed, ethical and competent dental hygienists qualified for employment in clinical practice and alternative career settings. The Dental Hygiene Program curriculum is designed to provide students with theoretical, preclinical, and clinical experiences in the five domains: a) core theoretical, clinical and ethical competencies; b) knowledge and ability to emphasize health promotion and disease prevention; c) ability to assess, plan, and implement community programs and activities; d) provision of skills to assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate treatment; and e) provision of professional growth and development opportunities.

The educational philosophy of the Dental Hygiene Program is based on delivering personalized, quality education to each and every student and is designed to be conceptually comprehensive and geared toward individuals seeking a solid foundation of knowledge and skills required to succeed in the dental field. Students are provided with an encouraging and supportive environment conducive to learning and growth both personally and professionally.

The curriculum includes supervised experiences in a clinical environment which requires competencies, logs, and evaluations completed by the student. At the conclusion of the program, graduates who have completed their theoretical and clinical requirements will be eligible to sit for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination and the Regional and State Clinical Board Examinations. Upon successful completion of these examinations, graduates are eligible to seek entry level employment as dental hygienists. All academic coursework is delivered on campus.

More specifically, the program objectives are to:

    1. Provide students with service learning opportunities that will assist in fulfilling the oral healthcare needs of the public and underserved and at-risk populations.
    2. Expand its efforts to increase access to education and oral healthcare, by promoting community outreach programs and provision of dental services to low-income populations.
    3. Promote scholarly research, while instilling in students critical thinking and problem solving skills.
    4. Promote the creation of a new cadre of dental hygienists that is prepared to undertake leadership roles in public health, education and research.


Dental Hygiene: Sanford-Brown College

Dental Hygiene - Sanford-Brown College