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Sanford Brown Institute

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Pharmacy Technician

The Pharmacy Technician program at Sanford-Brown Institute - Monroeville (SBI) provides students with the technical and practical training necessary for work as an entry-level assistant to a licensed pharmacist. Students will study pharmacy computing, medication preparation, inventory and billing, and quarterly customer service care. The program seeks to prepare students to work under the supervision of a licensed Pharmacist in the preparation and dispensing of medications; maintaining patient records; setting up, packaging, and labeling routine orders from stock supplies; and mixing drugs with parenteral fluids. The core curriculum of our Pharmacy Technician program is structured to include a lecture component, a laboratory component, and a clinical component. The final externship portion of the curriculum consists of supervised experiences in a clinical environment, which requires competencies, logs, and evaluations completed by the student. At the conclusion of our Pharmacy Technician program, graduates who have diligently attended class and their externship, studied, and practiced their skills should have the skills to seek entry-level employment as pharmacy technicians.

The Pharmacy Technician program at SBI is programmatically accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Graduates of the program are eligible for and encouraged to take the certification exam offered by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). This credential is a nationally recognized voluntary certification that could enhance employment opportunities. Certification requirements for taking and passing this examination are not controlled by SBI and are subject to change without notice. SBI cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take this, or any other, certification exam, at all or at any specific time, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment.

Pharmacy Technician: Sanford Brown Institute

Pharmacy Technician - Sanford Brown Institute