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CERT Medical Assisting

Medical Assistants are multi-skilled health professionals specifically educated to work in ambulatory settings performing administrative and clinical duties. The practice of medical assisting directly influences the public’s health and well-being, and requires mastery of a complex body of knowledge and specialized skills requiring both formal education and practical experience that serve as standards for entry into the profession. The Medical Assisting program is established based upon the CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for Medical Assisting Educational Programs (2008 Revision) which emphasizes competency-based skills, as well as general knowledge. Student competencies are validated through performance on written and practical exams, skills performance assessments, and a clinical practicum. Graduates of the program are prepared to assist practitioners in examining and treating patients, performing laboratory testing, and managing the administrative and clinical responsibilities associated with efficient medical office operations. The curriculum does not train for employment in medical laboratories either in the state of Tennessee or any other state.

CERT Medical Assisting: South College

CERT Medical Assisting - South College