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Accredited Bachelor Degree Online

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University of the Potomac

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Information Technology-Management-B.S.

Computer science degree program courses are designed to provide students with the ability to efficiently manage the diverse information resources of a business or organization. This course of study provides students with an expansive and in-depth understanding of both management principles and the basic fundamentals of information systems. These classes allow students to learn to function effectively in a variety of corporate settings. The information systems management major provides students with the skills required to productively participate in and support the increasingly visible and imperative role of computer science in corporate decision making. The career education program of study focuses on the methods, concepts, and realistic applications of information systems in the workplace. It develops Potomac College graduates’ abilities to conceptualize and direct the design and implementation of high-quality information systems through multiple disciplines related to computer science. Information systems and technology are two elements that are imperative to the success of a business. Evolving technology has taken business to a drastically different place from where it was only decades ago. Computers and the Internet have allowed companies to sell products and network in almost any area of the world. Virtually all companies must deal with technology, computers and online processes. If you enjoy working with computers, technology and the Internet, you may benefit from a degree in Information Systems Management at our school. You should also work well and collaborate with others, love to troubleshoot and be able to solve problems quickly.

Information Technology-Management-B.S.: University of the Potomac

Information Technology-Management-B.S. - University of the Potomac