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Broadview University - Masters Degree

Broadview University Masters Degree

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Broadview University

Since 1977, Broadview University has provided practical education and hands-on training that prepares students for in-demand careers. Students seeking a degree program that focuses on relevant skills for today’s job market appreciate our continually updated curricula and state-of-the-art facilities. Employers from across the Mountain States region look to us for graduates who can get the job done.

Practical training for specific professions

At Broadview University, courses in every program provide practical skills and knowledge that students can apply in their chosen career fields. Our career diploma and degree programs—master’s, bachelor’s and associate—prepare students for successful futures in the following professional areas:

  • Business and accounting
  • Health sciences and veterinary technology
  • Information technology
  • Criminal justice and paralegal services
  • Entertainment arts

Broadview University (formerly Utah Career College) is nationally accredited by Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools to award master's degrees, bachelor of science degrees, bachelor of fine arts degrees, associate in applied science degrees and diplomas.

BEAU (Broadview Entertainment Arts University) is a division of Broadview University located in Salt Lake City Utah. Broadview University is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools to award bachelor of science degrees, bachelor of fine arts degrees, and associate in applied science degrees.

What is a Masters Degree?

An on campus master degree is a graduate two-four year degree offered by some on campus colleges and on campus universities. The requirement to earn the graduate master degree is 30-60 plus hours of specific program classes and a thesis or comprehensive examination depending on what college or university you attend and how specific your master degree program is. A master degree is the one of the highest degrees you can earn at a college or university and comes in three ways: Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Masters of Arts (MA), and Masters of Science (MS). An an on campus master degree is obtained, the student may be eligible (assuming GPA and entrance exam score is good) to continue at a college or university to work on a doctorate degree in select fields. After receiving a master degree, a student can make 2.6 million or more dollars in their lifetime.

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