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College programs online reach out to management professionals nationwide

College programs online reach out to management professionals nationwide

Thursday, Nov, 15, 2018 10:17PM

For many working adults, moving across the country to complete the business administration degree of one’s dreams is infeasible. As a result, some prestigious schools of management are beginning to launch college programs online that can be completed from anywhere students can find an internet connection.

School officials in Washington, DC recently announced their own plan for a web-based executive MBA (EMBA) program that will mirror its campus-based offering, the Washington Business Journal reports.

Professors and other business experts who are familiar with the school’s traditional EMBA program will design the curriculum, which will be tailored to the needs of students who have several years of experience. Administrators expect that the course of study - which will be greatly marketed to students who reside outside the school’s locality - could launch as early as January.

Online college degree programs such as this one could help students launch careers as corporate or government-paid mediators. The demand for these professionals is expected to grow faster than the average for all other occupations, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

College & University Education News