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Globe Institute of Technology - Bachelors Degree

Globe Institute of Technology Bachelors Degree

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We know your educational experience is important to you. So we want you to know some of our features, advantages and benefits of an education provided by Globe Institute of Technology:

Relevant Business, Healthcare and Technology programs to match your needs and potential

Our certificate programs and degree programs in New York are built on a broad base of knowledge fromthe business management and information technology fields. There are dynamic, accredited programsthat will fascinate and inspire you.

Financial assistance

Everyone should obtain the education they desire and need. Together, Globe Institute of Technology wants to see you accomplish your plans for the future. We can offer financial aid to students who qualify.Our financial assistance team will work with you to determine your best options for a better experience.

Valuable career advisement services

Everyone should obtain the education they desire and need. Together, Globe Institute of Technology wants to see you accomplish your plans for the future. We can offer financial aid to students who qualify.Our financial assistance team will work with you to determine your best options for a better experience.

What is a Bachelors Degree?

An on campus bachelor degree is an undergraduate four-year degree offered by on campus colleges and universities. The requirement to earn the college bachelor degree is 120 plus hours of general education classes and specific program classes depending on what on campus college or on campus university you attend and how specific your bachelor degree program is. A bachelor degree is the standard degree you can earn at a college or university and comes in three ways: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BS), and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS). After an on campus bachelor degree is obtained, the student may be eligible (assuming GPA and entrance exam score is good) to continue at a college or university to work on a masters degree in select fields. After receiving a bachelor degree, a student can make 2.1 million dollars or more in their lifetime.

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