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Grand Canyon University Masters Degree Drug Counseling

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Masters Degree in Drug Counseling

A person who is considering a career as a drug counselor should have a strong desire to help others. The patient must be able to trust a drug counselor with a treatment and rehabilitation plan. A drug counselor must have excellent communication skills and work well with others.

A masters degree in drug counseling will help students prepare for a career in counseling with patients and families who are dealing with drug addictions. The masters degree program deals with advanced theories and analysis of drug abuse counseling and research into methodologies to treat different types of drug addictions.

Some of the courses the student can expect to complete include counseling, psychology, the study of mental illness, addiction therapy theories, spirituality, group rehabilitation and counseling, substance abuse counseling, and other drug counseling related courses. The masters degree in drug counseling also requires clinical experience and may include hands-on work with patients in a supervised setting. While completing clinical training, the student will learn addiction counseling methods and how to apply them to treatment for different types of drug addictions. Employment as an addiction counselor also requires licensure in many states. Licensure requirements will vary with different states.

Jobs for graduates of the masters degree in drug counseling program include social workers, psychologists, mental health counselors, and counselors in drug rehabilitation treatment facilities. These graduates typically can find employment in outpatient care centers, substance abuse facilities, hospitals, family services offices, or local, state, or federal government programs. Some public schools, universities, and social organizations also hire drug counselors to administer drug abuse treatment or education programs.

The work of a drug counselor can be challenging, yet rewarding. Counselors work with patients and their families to help them develop a treatment plan to overcome their drug addiction. The treatment is not only for the initial period of overcoming the addiction, but aftercare programs are also necessary to make sure the recovering drug addict does not relapse into his former drug abuse habits. The drug counselors may work in collaborative efforts with social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals to develop an effective treatment plan for the recovering addict.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the occupation of drug counseling will experience a rise in employment of approximately 34% until the year 2016. The best career opportunities will most likely be available to job candidates with a master degree or better in drug counseling.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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