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Gwynedd-Mercy University - Masters Degree

Gwynedd-Mercy University Masters Degree

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Welcome to Gwynedd-Mercy University

We're a community of learners dedicated to supporting student success. For adult learners like you, that means educational programs that are convenient, flexible, and focused on providing practical professional training for your chosen field of study.

60 Years of Education Excellence

Gwynedd-Mercy University is a Catholic college dedicated to helping students from all walks of life prepare for meaningful careers. Located just outside Philadelphia, we have been providing quality educational programs since 1948 in nursing, education, business, and more. We understand that today's students are more likely to be working adults seeking additional qualifications to advance their skills or their career opportunities. That's why we offer convenient online learning options so you can earn your degree without disrupting your work and family time.

Choose from associate, bachelor's, or master's degree programs in education, business, and nursing led by experienced instructors who can offer you personal attention. Benefit from the perspective of like-minded classmates, and study with the assurance that our staff, from enrollment to graduation and beyond, are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic and personal goals.


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