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Kaplan University - Masters Degree

Kaplan University Masters Degree Criminal Justice Degree

Choose from the Degree Programs below:
Kaplan University MS in Criminal Justice Kaplan University
MS in Criminal Justice

The Kaplan University online Master of Science in Criminal Justice program is designed to help ...

Kaplan University MSCJ - Global Issues in Criminal Justice Kaplan University
MSCJ - Global Issues in Criminal Justice

Explore the challenges of rapid globalization as it pertains to the criminal justice field. Analyze ...

Kaplan University MPA - Criminal Justice Kaplan University
MPA - Criminal Justice

The core curriculum teaches you how to evaluate, implement, and manage policy and spans diverse ...

Kaplan University MSCJ - Leadership/Executive Management Kaplan University
MSCJ - Leadership/Executive Management

Explore theories and practices related to justice management, fiscal issues (with an emphasis on the ...

An Online Masters in Criminal Justice Degree program prepares individuals to apply theories and practices of criminal justice to managing, structuring, and directing criminal justice agencies, such as police departments, sheriff's departments, law enforcement divisions and private protective services. The Masters in Criminal Justice Degree program is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of working professionals for practice in the challenging Criminal Justice system. An Online Criminal Justice Degree can be earned at top-ranked online colleges and online universities nationwide.

Salaries in Criminal Justice vary widely depending on what level of work you get into. Some examples but not all are: a Law Enforcement Officer's average salary is $45,300 a year, a Police Sergeant's average salary is $57,700 a year, a Police Chief's average salary is $85,000 per year, and a Criminal Justice Social Worker's average salary is $40,000 per year.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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