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Remington College - Associates Degree

Remington College Associates Degree International Business Degree

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If you are interested in pursuing a career in business and want to expand your horizons outside the United States borders, an Associates degree in International Business could be the perfect career move for you.

Upon graduating from this business degree program you will be prepared for a career in business and international trade. You will learn skills with software programs such as accounting applications; you will also be familiarized with aspects of e-commerce, and web development.

As you can guess, an Associates degree in International Business will open doors to mostly sales and marketing positions, however, jobs at the federal level are not out of the question; positions like a specialist for the International Trade Administration, an economist, an International Banking Officer or Associate, or even a cultural advisor specializing in several different areas of culture.

Because of the vastly different positions available to you, it is difficult to come up with and average figure for a starting salary. The differences in positions can be as broad as an entrepreneur starting his own business, to positions at governmental agencies, or as representatives for private companies and corporations.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.

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