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South College - Associates Degree

South College Associates Degree

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During the first decade of the twenty-first century, the College has been undergoing further transformation as it undertakes to prepare students for the unprecedented challenges of the coming decades, including widespread economic, technological, scientific, and social changes. The mission of South College addresses these challenges. It reflects the College?s commitment to providing its students an educational experience geared to emerging realities and preparation for a future of complex interrelationships and continuous, rapid change.

What is an Associates Degree?

An on campus associates degree is an undergraduate 2-year degree offered by some on campus colleges and universities. The requirement to earn a college associate degree is 60+ hours of general education classes and/or specific program classes, depending on what college or university you attend and how specific your associates degree program is. An associate degree is the most junior degree you can earn at a college or university, and comes in 3 incarnations: Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), and an Associate of Applied Science (AAS). An associates degree can also be transfered to a college or university to obtain a 4-year bachelor's degree.

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