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Accredited Bachelor Degree Online
Westwood College Campus - Bachelors Degree

Westwood College Campus Bachelors Degree

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Our mission

Westwood College is dedicated to preparing students with the knowledge, skills and training needed for meaningful employment. Through education, we create opportunities, change lives and impact futures.

Our values

We are dedicated to preparing students for meaningful employment. We provide a quality education and learning environment. We embody integrity in everything we do. We believe in partnership with employers, students, graduates and our communities. We have pride in our students and are passionate about their success. We respect diversity and believe all people should have the opportunity to get an education and find meaningful employment. We believe in continuous improvement and exploring new ideas.

Who we are

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Alta College, Inc. (Alta) is the parent organization for Westwood College. Since its inception, Alta has been a leader in career-focused education, meeting workforce needs for in-demand employment fields. As occupational challenges and opportunities are recognized, Alta develops new programs in cooperation with industry leaders to meet the needs of our students and graduates and of employers, as well.

Westwood College

Westwood College is an institution of higher learning founded in Denver, Colorado in 1953. Today, Westwood has 14 campuses across California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois and Virginia and an online campus. Westwood offers a unique hands-on, career-focused curriculum providing three-year bachelor’s degrees in high-growth fields. To date, over 30,000 Westwood graduates have transformed their lives by obtaining the skills, tools, experience and connections necessary to achieve meaningful careers.


Westwood College is currently nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS). ACICS is listed as a nationally recognized accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education and is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

What is a Bachelors Degree?

An on campus bachelor degree is an undergraduate four-year degree offered by on campus colleges and universities. The requirement to earn the college bachelor degree is 120 plus hours of general education classes and specific program classes depending on what on campus college or on campus university you attend and how specific your bachelor degree program is. A bachelor degree is the standard degree you can earn at a college or university and comes in three ways: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BS), and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS). After an on campus bachelor degree is obtained, the student may be eligible (assuming GPA and entrance exam score is good) to continue at a college or university to work on a masters degree in select fields. After receiving a bachelor degree, a student can make 2.1 million dollars or more in their lifetime.

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