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Bachelors Degree - E-Commerce & E-Business

Bachelors Degree in E-Commerce & E-Business

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An Online Bachelor in E-Business and E-Commerce typically combine traditional business disciplines, like finance, accounting and project management, with specialized courses in electronic commerce, electronic security and privacy, management of information systems and payments. Naturally, no E-Business and E-Commerce Bachelor program can guarantee a future salary or employment upon completion, but accredited degrees and certificates are typically required or preferred by employers hiring in this field. An Online E-Business and E-Commerce Degree can be earned at top-ranked online colleges and online universities nationwide.

Salaries with an E-Business and E-Commerce Degree vary widely depending on what type of work you get into. Some examples but not all are: Systems analysts, web developers, programmers, and even business generalists, make an average of $65,000 per year.

* Program and course descriptions vary per school. They are provided to give a student a general idea of what the degree/course program is. In addition, salary information provided is only an estimation, and may vary per state and per field.
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